
Day: January 21, 2023

  • You are not greater than thou!



    Stop referring to people negatively as though you are higher or better than they are. “That poor girl/boy it’s a shame”, “That poor family oh my”, “Those poor people”. One day you just may wake up in Hell like the rich man who made fun of Lazarus who ended up in Abraham’s bosom in Heaven.…

  • Good day to you all (prayer)



    Good morning Father! Thank you for this new day. Bless all of our families and friends. Cause us to have a new awakening this morning to your Holy Spirit. Cover each and every household represented below this post with your blood Jesus. The signatures below are taking action which is a show of Faith in…

  • Morning Prayer 012123



    Good morning Father! Thank you for this new day. Bless all of our families and friends. Cause us to have a new awakening this morning to your Holy Spirit. Cover each and every household represented below this post with your blood Jesus. The signatures below are taking action which is a show of Faith in…