
In my dream. 040424

Last night I had a dream that we were at war. And I was fighting with some policeman with one of them being my Cousin Clarence who died in the last few years in real-time. He and I and another policeman named Mundell who I was good friends with also, got in a military vehicle and was driving through a town that was being taken over by migrants. While we were in the vehicle I saw myself taking apart parts of the vehicle and some M16’s and cleaning them. As we were being chased we drove to the end of the road where we could go no further so we had to swim. I remember being concerned because I am not really a good swimmer but I made it to the other side with them. Once we got to the other side there was peace and people were celebrating with cake and lots of food and drinks. While we were walking I saw 2 angels in the sky floating above us very close to us. They seemed to be shape shifting.

Upon researching my dream I found the following terminology: King Charles’, Joe Biden, Earthquakes, Death star, the Messiah, software, hidden codes, Amtrak, social media, Decode the Bible, pentagon, gasoline, Yeshua ascension, keep my soul clean, Musk (Elon?), Secret mystical code, Jesus blood, hidden knowledge, Norfolk Virginia, El Shaddai, KKK, CIA, beach.

We all know that Joe Biden is of age and so is King Charles. King Charles’ allegedly has cancer and is suffering right now as well. I am hoping that they will be OK and nothing will happen to them. I am also praying for Elon Musk since his name came up and I am also praying for Norfolk Virginia for whatever the enemy may have planned for that area. And now that migrants are taking over Texas California and New York we need to pray for America that she turns back to Jesus Christ that she is known to have served all of these years. When America turns back to God he will lift all of the curses that have been placed upon us through our sinful nature. He didn’t do this to us we did it to ourselves. Our President actually passed a law on Resurrection Sunday which most call Easter that it is now considered as Transsexual visibility day or something. If he is a believer the way he purports to be he would know that transsexuals (men) and homosexuals cannot have babies and it is against the word of God. God told us to multiply and 2 men together and 2 women together can not multiply therefore it is a sin against the most High God.

Keep America in prayer please? I will not bow to Baal or Molech.

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