RevEssie’s Thoughts 27Nov12

RevEssie’s thoughts 27Nov12

I feel led to tell everyone to keep their eyes on Saudi Arabia.
Also, keep your eyes on banks. I believe that banks are going to start closing down on their customers and all h-e-double hockey sticks is going to let loose. People are going to thrash the banks looking for their money and the owners will have no explanation as to what happened.
Wall Street is going to blow our minds once again  so keep a listening ear out for that as well.
I’ve already predicted a few weeks ago that something big was going to happen inLouisiana and it did. As of a few days ago, they have a huge sink hole with horrible smelling gases coming out of it that can possibly blow one day soon so keep them in prayer.
Remember to keep Hillary Clinton in prayer as well. She is going into territories that do not see females as an equal and here she is, a strong American woman speaking politics with these people.
When Jamie Foxx, singer, comedian, entertainer, introduced Barack Obama as his “God, and Lord and Savior”, I knew that there could be nothing left for us to do besides pray. Prayer works. I feel sorry for those in the audience that saw that as being funny and were led to the slaughter (spiritually) over that statement. Someone should have gotten up and booed him in public. Instead, they laughed. The blind leading the blind. Jamie, it WASN’T  a  joke.
Those are my thoughts for now. If I have anymore, I will post them later. Facebook is getting old to me again and Christians are flipping out on one another there. I need this Blog as a relief. I thank God for it and the makers of it.
Rev Essie

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